In Support of Values Education


Earth Spark! Book 1 by Karanbir Singh

There is a spark in all of us. It is displayed in our emotions and thoughts. We have to make the conscious effort to reinforce our positive emotions and thoughts and deal with the negative ones. Even negative emotions and thoughts provide us with the spark to learn from them and to make the right choice. But every negative act dulls our spark.

There is a spark in a curious child who asks a question. There is a spark in feeling love for someone or something.

A spark can brighten the day. Without a spark, we are but dust and smoke. It takes all the dust and smoke in the world to extinguish a spark but it only takes one spark to ignite a million more.

We are all controlled by human nature. But aren’t we the makers and masters of our own nature? Our behaviour can certainly change, and that too is human nature. We can learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of previous generations and change our behaviour, thereby positively affecting human nature and nature in turn.

We should put aside our petty selfishness and live and strive together to make our people, our family, kinder, and our planet, our only home, a better place to live in.

Our current way of life diminishes a child’s spark and makes them conform to dictated ways of the predominant social structure. Slowly moulding them to live in a manner that is eventually not good for nature, our own or that of our world’s.

Children must learn to keep their spark alive, and we must help them. For they are our future. If we cannot correct the mistakes we have made (as individuals and as a civilisation), maybe we can inspire them to. And that can only happen when the change starts within us. When we find our own spark and relearn to let it lead us on to better and brighter days. Relearn that fulfilment is the spark within us.

We are given ideas at a young age of what we want to be when we grow up. And all these ideas revolve around jobs that our society has created. Kids say, I want to be a pilot, or I want to be a dancer… they don’t say, I want to be a good human being. Why are jobs made a priority and not our nature? Is it not given importance? Or is it taken for granted that we will be good human beings if we follow a path laid out for us rather than make our own?

Reinforcing good values in our children’s hearts and minds through education has been missing in a schooling system based on competition and examination results. Learning Median collaborated with a publishing firm to take out an 8 part book series in support of values education for schools in India. The deadlines set were tight and it was going to be a challenge to meet the final deadline! Unfortunately, the publishing firm, name withheld as per request, decided to discontinue operations before the series could be completed, as they were considering dissolution.

I would like to thank the team that coordinated with me on this… you know who you are :~)… Thank you for your support, patience, and all the meaningful interaction!

The series is called, Earth Spark! And here is the manuscript for Book 1, for young children and their learning facilitators. We are working with an artist to bring out the personality of the manuscript, stay tuned!

Earth Spark! Book 1 by Karanbir Singh

We hope you enjoy it! Let us know what you think in the comments.

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