The Implications of Satisfaction Economy on Different Fields of Study


In today’s world, the economic, social, and environmental challenges we face require a new way of thinking and a paradigm shift in our approach to problem-solving. The satisfaction economy, with its focus on self-governance, trust-based systems, and a satisfaction-based approach, offers a promising framework for achieving these goals. A holistic and multidisciplinary approach to addressing complex issues facing society, this model of satisfaction economy acknowledges that problems cannot be solved in isolation and that they are often interdependent and interconnected. It recognizes that individuals and communities are not separate from the economy, but rather integral parts of it.

The model has the potential to impact a wide range of fields, from economics and sociology to education and the arts. By emphasizing self-governance, trust, and addressing personal, local, and global issues, this model would bring together different fields and perspectives to create a more sustainable and equitable society. In this article, we explore how satisfaction economy will transform some important fields and offer insights into the potential benefits and challenges of implementing this model.

A chisel with a pile of books in front of a blackboard with Satisfaction Economy on it depicting the implications on various fields of study.


The satisfaction economy model will have a significant impact on the field of Economics. It challenges the traditional assumption that economic growth is the key to wellbeing. Instead, it promotes a more nuanced approach to economics that values wellbeing and satisfaction alongside economic growth. It also emphasizes the importance of self-governance and trust-based systems in economic transactions, which requires a fundamental shift in traditional economic thinking. Traditionally, the discipline has focused on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a monetary framework. However, the satisfaction economy model prioritizes non-monetary indicators of wellbeing, such as happiness and quality of life. This shift will require a re-evaluation of traditional economic metrics such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the development of new tools and metrics to measure satisfaction and wellbeing. Additionally, the satisfaction economy model places a strong emphasis on local and community-based economies, which will have an impact on global trade patterns and traditional economic models.


The satisfaction economy model has significant implications for sociology, as it shifts the focus from individualistic values to collective wellbeing. It is closely tied to sociological perspectives on wellbeing, as it seeks to promote individual and collective satisfaction. It challenges the traditional view of economic progress as a key driver of societal progress, and instead emphasizes the importance of social cohesion and satisfaction. This will have significant implications for sociological research and practice, as it promotes a more holistic view of social progress. By emphasizing self-governance, trust-based systems, and addressing personal, local, and global issues, the satisfaction economy creates a framework for more collaborative and equitable social structures. Additionally, the satisfaction-based system ensures that individual needs and desires are met, while also recognizing the importance of communal wellbeing. This model challenges traditional sociological theories that prioritize individualism and competition and presents a promising new approach to social organization.


The satisfaction economy model has the potential to significantly impact the field of Mathematics. The model requires the collection and analysis of data related to people’s satisfaction levels with various aspects of their lives, including their access to resources and opportunities, their overall wellbeing, and their ability to participate in decision-making processes. This data will be used to identify patterns and trends, which will inform mathematical models and simulations that are designed to optimize resource allocation and decision-making processes in various sectors. Additionally, the model’s emphasis on self-governance and trust will inform the development of mathematical models that simulate the behaviour of groups and individuals in various contexts, including social networks, marketplaces, and political systems. Mathematics is a subject that deals with concepts and theories, and the satisfaction economy model provides a new lens through which to view these concepts. The self-governance pillar of the model will lead to new ways of approaching mathematical problems, while the satisfaction-based system will change the way we measure success in the field. The trust-based system pillar of the model would encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing between mathematicians, leading to new breakthroughs and innovations. Additionally, the model’s focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues will inspire mathematicians to explore ways in which mathematical concepts are applied to solve real-world problems, such as climate change and economic inequality. Overall, the satisfaction economy model will lead to exciting new developments in the field of Mathematics.


The satisfaction economy model will also have a significant impact on the field of Psychology. It is closely linked to psychological perspectives on wellbeing, as it promotes a focus on individual and collective satisfaction. It challenges traditional psychological models that prioritize individual achievement and success over wellbeing and satisfaction. This will lead to a fundamental shift in how psychologists approach research and practice, with a greater focus on promoting satisfaction and wellbeing. This focus on personal fulfilment is in line with many of the current trends in psychology, such as positive psychology, which seeks to help individuals lead more fulfilling lives. The satisfaction-based system in the satisfaction economy model will also have significant implications for the study of motivation and behaviour change. Additionally, the emphasis on self-governance and trust will help to address issues of social inequality and mistrust, which are of significant concern to psychologists. Overall, the satisfaction economy model has the potential to provide a new framework for understanding human behaviour and motivation, and will help to promote more positive, fulfilling experiences for individuals.


The satisfaction economy model has significant implications for education, as it emphasizes the importance of personal, local, and global issues in promoting satisfaction and wellbeing. This will lead to a shift in educational priorities, with a greater focus on promoting social responsibility and engagement in local and global issues. It will also challenge traditional educational models that prioritize academic achievement over wellbeing and personal growth. By prioritizing the individual’s satisfaction and addressing personal, local, and global issues, education will become more inclusive and accessible to learners of all backgrounds. The satisfaction-based system will help shift the focus from grades and standardized testing to the student’s personal and individual growth. This approach will foster a love for learning and encourage students to become lifelong learners. The trust-based system will also improve teacher-student relationships and create a more supportive learning environment. Additionally, the model’s emphasis on self-governance will encourage students to take charge of their learning and become active participants in their education. Overall, the satisfaction economy model will transform the education system to one that is more student-centred, holistic, and equitable.


Anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures, would also be greatly impacted by the proposed satisfaction economy model, as it promotes a more holistic view of human wellbeing. It challenges traditional anthropological models that prioritize economic development and technological progress over cultural and social wellbeing. This will lead to a greater emphasis on understanding and promoting cultural and social satisfaction in anthropological research and practice. Anthropologists will have to consider the cultural and social implications of shifting to a satisfaction-based system that prioritizes individual wellbeing and community trust. This model challenges traditional power structures and hierarchies that have long been ingrained in certain cultures and societies. Additionally, the model’s focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues requires anthropologists to examine the interconnectedness of various cultures and societies and the impact of global issues such as climate change and economic inequality on different communities. The satisfaction economy model will require anthropologists to rethink their approach to studying human societies and cultures, and consider how they can use their knowledge and expertise to support the development of more equitable and sustainable communities.

Political Science:

Political Science is concerned with the study of government, politics, and political behaviour. The implementation of a satisfaction economy model would have significant implications for this field. It challenges traditional political science models that prioritize economic growth and technological progress over social and cultural wellbeing. It promotes a more nuanced approach to politics that values social cohesion and satisfaction alongside economic growth. This will have significant implications for political theory and practice, as it challenges traditional models of political development. The self-governance pillar of the model emphasizes the importance of individual agency and responsibility, which will require a shift in the way governments are structured and function. The satisfaction-based system pillar of the model will necessitate the prioritization of citizen satisfaction over traditional political goals such as economic growth or national security. Additionally, the trust-based system pillar of the model will require a greater level of transparency and accountability in government, as well as a reduction in corruption and the influence of special interest groups. Finally, the model’s focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues will require a more comprehensive and interconnected approach to policymaking, particularly in regards to issues such as climate change and international relations.

Environmental Science:

The satisfaction economy model would have a significant impact on environmental science, which is the study of the environment and how it is affected by human activities. It challenges traditional models of economic growth that prioritize resource extraction and consumption. It promotes a more sustainable approach to economic development that values environmental wellbeing alongside economic growth. This will lead to a fundamental shift in how environmental scientists approach research and practice, with a greater emphasis on promoting environmental satisfaction. One of the key pillars of the satisfaction economy model is its focus on sustainability, both in terms of the environment and the economy. By emphasizing self-governance and addressing personal, local, and global issues, the satisfaction economy model encourages individuals and communities to take responsibility for their impact on the environment and work towards sustainable solutions. This will involve a variety of actions, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and adopting more sustainable practices in agriculture and industry. Overall, the satisfaction economy model will provide a framework for addressing environmental issues in a holistic and proactive way, promoting long-term sustainability and resilience for both human societies and the natural world.

Public Health:

The satisfaction economy model has a significant impact on public health. In this model, the emphasis is on addressing the personal, local, and global issues to create a sustainable and satisfied community. The satisfaction economy model promotes a more holistic view of health that values social and cultural wellbeing alongside physical health. It challenges traditional models of public health that prioritize medical interventions and disease prevention over social and cultural wellbeing. This will lead to a shift in public health priorities, with a greater emphasis on promoting social and cultural satisfaction alongside physical health. As public health is a crucial part of community wellbeing, this model promotes preventative health measures and a more equitable distribution of resources. With an emphasis on addressing personal issues, the satisfaction economy model emphasizes a holistic approach to health, recognizing that factors such as mental health and social determinants of health are significant contributors to overall wellbeing. Furthermore, the trust-based system in this model encourages cooperation and collaboration among individuals and communities to address health issues collectively. This results in a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to public health that addresses the needs of all members of society.


The satisfaction economy model could have significant implications for philosophy, particularly in the areas of ethics and political philosophy. It challenges traditional philosophical models that prioritize individual achievement and success over wellbeing and satisfaction. It promotes a more nuanced approach to philosophical inquiry that values wellbeing and satisfaction alongside individual autonomy and freedom. This could lead to a shift in philosophical priorities, with a greater emphasis on promoting satisfaction and wellbeing in philosophical research and practice. The emphasis on self-governance and satisfaction-based decision-making aligns well with ethical theories that prioritize individual autonomy and wellbeing. The trust-based system also resonates with social contract theories that prioritize trust and cooperation between individuals and institutions. Additionally, the model’s focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues aligns with the idea that ethical and political theories should be grounded in practical problem-solving. This will lead to new debates and discussions within the field of philosophy around the relationship between individual and collective interests, the role of institutions in promoting wellbeing, and the ethical implications of economic systems.

Law and Legal Studies:

The satisfaction economy model challenges traditional legal models that prioritize economic growth and individual rights over social and cultural wellbeing. It promotes a more holistic approach to legal inquiry that values social and cultural satisfaction alongside individual rights and freedoms. This will lead to a shift in legal priorities, with a greater emphasis on promoting social and cultural satisfaction in legal practice. This model could shift the focus of legal systems from punishment to rehabilitation and restorative justice. Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm caused by an offense by involving all stakeholders in the process, rather than solely punishing the offender. This shift in focus could have a significant impact on reducing recidivism rates and improving the overall wellbeing of individuals and communities. Additionally, the model’s emphasis on self-governance and trust-based systems will lead to alternative dispute resolution methods and increased community involvement in legal decision-making. The satisfaction-based system will also have implications for issues related to economic justice and social equity within the legal system. Overall, the satisfaction economy model presents a unique and potentially transformative perspective on the role and function of legal systems in society.

Business and Management:

The impact of the satisfaction economy model on business and management is immense. The satisfaction-based system and trust-based system create a more customer-centric and transparent approach to doing “business”, or being enterprising. By prioritizing the satisfaction of all stakeholders, businesses will create sustainable and ethical models that benefits everyone involved. Additionally, the focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues will inspire businesses to take on a more socially responsible role in society. This will lead to a stronger reputation, increased customer loyalty, and ultimately, improved financial performance. The self-governance pillar also empowers employees and stakeholders to take an active role in decision-making, leading to a more democratic and collaborative workplace culture. Overall, the satisfaction economy model provides a framework for businesses and management to create a more socially responsible and sustainable business model that benefits all stakeholders.

Information Technology and Computer Science:

The model of satisfaction economy would have a significant impact on Information Technology and Computer Science. The focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues would mean that technology would be designed to meet the needs of people and communities rather than solely for profit. This shift will result in the development of more ethical and socially responsible technologies that prioritize human values, privacy, and security. The satisfaction-based system will also prioritize user experience, ensuring that technologies are designed to improve the lives of individuals and communities. The trust-based system would enhance cybersecurity measures, preventing the misuse of personal data and ensuring the integrity of digital systems. This will have a significant impact on the design and development of technologies, with an increased emphasis on ethical and social responsibility, security, and user-centred design.

Communication and Media Studies:

Communication and media play a crucial role in shaping people’s perceptions, beliefs, and values, which ultimately affect their behaviour and decision-making. The satisfaction economy model, which is based on self-governance, a satisfaction-based system, and a trust-based system, will require new forms of communication and media that promote transparency, authenticity, and collaboration. This will require a shift away from traditional mass media models and towards decentralized, participatory models that prioritize community-building and collective decision-making. Additionally, the model’s emphasis on addressing personal, local, and global issues will require new forms of communication and media that facilitate dialogue and exchange across cultural and linguistic boundaries. Overall, the satisfaction economy model challenges existing norms and practices in communication and media studies, while also opening up new opportunities for innovation and collaboration in this field.

Gender and Women’s Studies:

One of the central tenets of this model is self-governance, which empowers individuals and communities to make decisions about their lives and their environments. In a satisfaction-based system, the needs and desires of all members of a community are taken into account, including women and other marginalized groups. This will lead to more equitable outcomes in areas such as access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, which are all crucial to gender equality. Additionally, the trust-based system of satisfaction economy could help to build stronger and more supportive communities, providing a space for women’s voices to be heard and valued. Finally, the model’s focus on addressing personal, local, and global issues will also help to bring attention to gender-related issues on a wider scale, leading to increased awareness and action towards achieving gender equality.

Cultural Anthropology:

The model of satisfaction economy has significant implications for cultural anthropology. The emphasis on self-governance and local, personal, and global problem-solving aligns well with the anthropological focus on understanding and addressing the complex cultural and social dynamics within communities. The satisfaction-based and trust-based systems will also provide an alternative framework for understanding and analysing cultural practices and beliefs, as well as the relationships between different cultural groups. Additionally, the model’s focus on environmental sustainability and social justice will be highly relevant to anthropologists working in areas related to climate change, human rights, and environmental policy. Overall, the satisfaction economy model offers a useful lens through which cultural anthropologists can study and engage with the complexities of human social and cultural systems.

Cultural Studies:

The Satisfaction Economy model would significantly impact Cultural Studies by providing a lens through which to analyse cultural practices, beliefs, and values in terms of satisfaction and wellbeing. It encourages scholars to explore how cultural institutions and practices can contribute to individual and collective satisfaction, as well as how cultural practices can hinder satisfaction and perpetuate inequalities. The model also challenges dominant cultural narratives that prioritize economic growth and individual achievement over social and environmental wellbeing, and will provide a framework for analysing the role of cultural institutions in promoting sustainable and equitable societies. Overall, the Satisfaction Economy model contributes to a more critical and nuanced understanding of culture and its impact on human wellbeing.


The satisfaction economy model has implications for the field of history as well. By placing satisfaction and wellbeing at the centre of economic and social systems, this model challenges the traditional narrative of history that focuses on economic growth and political power. Instead, the satisfaction economy model emphasizes the importance of social progress and individual fulfilment as the driving forces behind historical change. It also provides a framework for analysing the history of inequalities and social justice, and the ways in which they have been perpetuated or challenged by economic and political systems. By examining the past through this lens, historians can gain a deeper understanding of the factors that have shaped society and the ways in which they can be transformed for the better.

Art and Design:

The model of satisfaction economy can have a significant impact on the field of art and design. It challenges the traditional modes of artistic expression and encourages a more holistic approach to creating art that takes into account its impact on individuals and society as a whole. Artists and designers who adopt this model are more likely to create work that addresses issues related to personal, local, and global satisfaction. They will also focus on creating work that promotes trust and self-governance, while challenging traditional power structures that can limit creativity and expression. The model also encourages collaboration between artists and designers from different disciplines, leading to the creation of more innovative and impactful work. Overall, the model of satisfaction economy has the potential to transform the way that art and design are created, viewed, and valued in society.

Linguistics and Language Studies:

The proposed model of the satisfaction economy has implications on linguistics and language studies. In linguistics, the study of language will focus on the development of language that promotes self-governance, satisfaction-based system, and trust-based system. Furthermore, language will be used as a tool for addressing personal, local, and global issues. This will lead to the development of a new field of study that focuses on language and social change. Language studies will be utilized in developing educational programs and materials that promote the values of the satisfaction economy. Additionally, the satisfaction economy will impact language translation services, as the focus would shift from just translating words to also translating concepts and ideas that promote the satisfaction economy values.

Literature and Writing Studies:

The satisfaction economy model has significant implications for the field of literature and writing studies as well. The model’s focus on personal and local satisfaction aligns with the fundamental aspects of creative writing and literature. With the satisfaction economy’s emphasis on self-expression, creativity, and innovation, literature and writing studies will experience a paradigm shift. Writers will no longer write to please the market or society’s expectations but will focus on personal satisfaction and expression. This shift will give rise to an era of literature and writing that is more authentic, diverse, and reflective of the human experience. Furthermore, this model will provide writers with greater opportunities for self-publishing, self-promotion, and self-distribution, thereby eliminating the gatekeeping tendencies of traditional publishing houses. Finally, the satisfaction economy will create more opportunities for writers to write and earn a livelihood from their work, eliminating the struggle for many writers to earn a living wage.

Religious Studies:

One of the key principles of the satisfaction economy is the recognition and celebration of diverse perspectives and values, which aligns well with the study of religion and religious diversity. By focusing on personal, local, and global issues, the satisfaction economy encourages a greater understanding and appreciation of different religious beliefs and practices, and fosters a more inclusive and tolerant society. Additionally, the model’s emphasis on self-governance and trust-based systems will help address issues of corruption and abuse of power within religious institutions, promoting a more ethical and accountable approach to religion. Overall, the satisfaction economy model has the potential to impact the field of Religious Studies by encouraging greater acceptance of diversity, promoting ethical and accountable religious institutions, and fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

Ecology and Environmental Studies:

The satisfaction economy model would have significant implications for the fields of ecology and environmental studies. By prioritizing local and global environmental issues, the satisfaction economy would promote sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and using renewable energy sources. The trust-based system will also incentivize corporations and individuals to take accountability for their environmental impact. Additionally, the satisfaction-based system will encourage consumers to choose environmentally responsible products and services, which could further drive sustainable practices. Through self-governance and addressing personal, local, and global issues, the satisfaction economy will promote a shift towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly society.


The emphasis on addressing personal, local, and global issues would require a more holistic approach to healthcare, one that takes into account not just physical health but also mental and social wellbeing. This will require healthcare providers to work in collaboration with other professionals in various fields, such as sociology, psychology, and environmental science, to provide more comprehensive care. The satisfaction-based system will prioritize the satisfaction of patients and their families, emphasizing their needs and preferences in decision-making processes. The trust-based system will foster a relationship of trust between patients and healthcare providers, leading to better communication and adherence to treatment plans. Overall, the satisfaction economy model has the potential to transform the healthcare system, making it more patient-centred, collaborative, and holistic.

Neuroscience and Cognitive Science:

The proposed model of satisfaction economy has the potential to impact the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science in several ways. By focusing on addressing personal, local, and global issues, the model promotes the importance of mental and physical wellbeing, which are central to these fields. The satisfaction-based system also aligns with the goals of neuroscience and cognitive science, which aim to understand human cognition, behaviour, and emotion. The emphasis on self-governance and trust-based systems will also lead to innovative approaches to decision-making, collaboration, and problem-solving in these fields. Overall, the satisfaction economy model has the potential to support and enhance research in neuroscience and cognitive science by fostering a collaborative and supportive environment for scientific inquiry.

Sociology of Work:

The shift towards a satisfaction-based system will have implications for the nature of work itself, as people will be more likely to pursue work that aligns with their personal values and sense of purpose rather than simply for financial gain. This will lead to a greater emphasis on meaningful work and a re-evaluation of what types of jobs are considered valuable. Additionally, the self-governance and trust-based system of the satisfaction economy will lead to more collaborative and equitable workplaces, with a greater focus on employee wellbeing and autonomy. Overall, the satisfaction economy has the potential to fundamentally transform the way we approach work and the role it plays in our lives.

International Relations:

The satisfaction economy model’s focus on collaboration and mutual satisfaction aligns well with the principles of diplomacy and conflict resolution. The model will be used to develop new strategies for international negotiations, emphasizing mutual satisfaction and shared benefits, as opposed to a zero-sum approach. The self-governance and trust-based systems promoted by the satisfaction economy model will also foster greater international cooperation and understanding. Additionally, the satisfaction-based system will be used to address global issues such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, which are critical concerns in the international arena. Overall, the satisfaction economy model provides a new framework for analysing and addressing global issues, and will contribute to a more harmonious and cooperative international community.


All students, experts, teachers, and professionals should be concerned with the potential impact of the satisfaction economy model on their fields of study and work because the model presents a new way of looking at economic and social systems. It offers a framework for shifting focus from the accumulation of wealth and power to the wellbeing of individuals, communities, and the planet. This shift in focus can potentially transform the way these fields operate, with implications for education, policy, research, and practice. The satisfaction economy model has the potential to address the complex challenges facing our world today and create a more sustainable and equitable future. Therefore, anyone interested in contributing to a better future for society should be interested in exploring the potential impact of this model on their respective fields of study.

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