A Paradigm Shift Towards Human Fulfilment

A depiction of the journey towards a satisfaction economy, shifting from pollution and degradation to flourishing

Satisfaction Economy is an economic model that places human satisfaction above material wealth. It operates on the understanding that the ultimate aim of any economic activity is to fulfil human needs and desires, not merely to accumulate material wealth or resources. The satisfaction economy acknowledges that human satisfaction hinges not on external factors like income or consumption, but on internal factors such as autonomy, competence, relatedness, purpose, and growth. By optimizing these internal factors, we can achieve higher levels of satisfaction for ourselves and others, while also reducing our ecological footprint, and social inequality.

Ways to work towards a satisfaction economy include:

  • Creating Value Over Extraction 🔄: This involves producing goods and services that enhance human well-being and happiness, rather than those that generate profit or waste. It also means reusing and recycling resources, rather than depleting and polluting them.
  • Aligning with Intrinsic Needs Over Exploitation 💡: This means respecting individual preferences and choices, rather than imposing standardized or coercive ones. It also means fostering intrinsic motivation and curiosity, rather than relying on extrinsic rewards or punishments.
  • Fostering Cooperation Over Competition 🤝: This means promoting a culture of sharing and collaboration, rather than hoarding and rivalry. It also means creating a sense of abundance and sufficiency, rather than scarcity and deficiency.

Satisfaction Economy can help to make the world a better place by addressing some of the problems and challenges associated with traditional economies:

  • Environmental degradation and climate change 🌍: A satisfaction economy reduces our ecological impact and maximizes our ecological efficiency. It also enhances our environmental awareness and responsibility.
  • Social inequality and injustice ⚖️: It ensures that everyone has access to the basic necessities and opportunities for a satisfying life. It also enhances our social cohesion and solidarity.
  • Psychological distress and dissatisfaction 😔: A satisfaction economy fulfils our psychological needs for a meaningful life. It also enhances our psychological well-being and happiness.

In the pursuit of a satisfaction economy, we are not just seeking to transform our economic systems, but also our values, priorities, and behaviours. We are striving for an economy that enhances human well-being and happiness, respects individual preferences and choices, and promotes a culture of sharing and collaboration. As we journey towards this new paradigm, let us remember that the ultimate measure of our success is not the wealth we accumulate, but the satisfaction we derive from our lives. The path to a satisfaction economy is not a destination, but a journey of continuous learning and growth. So let’s embark on this journey together, for a more satisfying and fulfilling future awaits us. 🌈🔄💡🤝

For more,

Online Petition to All People, Governments of the World, and the UN

Appeal to Human Rights Organisations

Satisfaction Economy: Reversing the Tragedy of the Commons and Promoting Sustainable Development

Satisfaction Economy and the 17 SDGs

Happiness Economics towards a Satisfaction Economy

A Disheartening Reality: AI Sees the Potential of Satisfaction Economy, Do You?

The Implications of Satisfaction Economy on Different Fields of Study

Satisfaction Economy’s Events and Resources Page

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