How Being Smart Harms Us: The Curable Curse of Intelligence

Intelligence, often viewed as a coveted trait, has been subject to numerous studies and debates. Does intelligence always bring success and accolades? From the perspective of conventional wisdom, intelligence is considered an asset in navigating life’s challenges. However, the role of intelligence in modern society, where the pace of innovation and technological advancement is increasing …

Breaking Down Barriers: How Ego is Hindering Learning

A red barrier being sliced by a person with a sword standing at the edge of the shore

Ego is a significant barrier to learning in the tech age, where new technologies and concepts are emerging at a rapid pace. Ego often prevents individuals from embracing new ideas, admitting their lack of knowledge, and seeking out new sources of information. In the tech industry, where innovation is king, ego leads to an unwillingness …

Satisfaction Economy: Reversing the Tragedy of the Commons and Promoting Sustainable Development

The satisfaction economy aims to create a new economic paradigm that prioritizes personal satisfaction and wellbeing over material possessions and economic growth. The tragedy of the commons is a concept that highlights the conflict between individual and collective rationality. It occurs when each individual is incentivized to act in a way that will ultimately be …

The Relevance of Learning Consultancies for Organizations, Individuals, and Students

Learning consultancies are relevant for organizations, individuals, and students in different but equally important ways. For organizations, learning consultancies provide expertise and support in creating and delivering effective learning programs. They help organizations identify their learning and development needs, develop customized learning solutions, and implement training programs that align with their overall business goals. This …

A Disheartening Reality: AI Sees the Potential of Satisfaction Economy, Do You?

Imagine a world where your basic needs are met, and where you have the time and resources to pursue your passions and fulfil your desires. A world where the things that bring you the most joy and fulfilment are at the forefront of our economic priorities. A world where, as a self-governed individual, you are …

Satisfaction Economy Events & Resources

Hello and Welcome! This page is regularly updated with new resources and events, bookmark it! Satisfaction Economy (SE) is systems and structures to provide [on-time (relative)] disruption of our current socioeconomic system through a structured and sustainable approach, with a paradigm shift in our value base, towards fulfilling our inherent human nature – compassion and …

Overcoming Resistance to Achieve Anything

Whatever you do more of, becomes your comfort zone. If you’re healthy, you’re uncomfortable binging and more comfortable making healthy choices, like getting a workout. If you are trying to be health-conscious and haven’t yet inculcated healthy habits, you are more likely to put off a workout because it makes you uncomfortable. Some people often …